JLC meets every Tuesday at 5:30pm from May 7th - August 27th. Members are highly encourage to post their scores from all rounds of golf using the GHIN app. Ladies day games which can be posted are indicated with GHIN. 


Tentative Weekly Games



Event Name




Kickoff Scramble


Tuesday - 5/7/2024

5:30 PM


4 - person scramble

Tuesday - 5/14/2024

5:30 PM

Three Little Pigs (GHIN)

Your three worst scores are thrown out after nine holes are completed. Net scores.

Tuesday - 5/21/2024

5:30 PM

Lone Ranger (GHIN)

In teams of 3 or 4, every hole, one player on the team is assigned to be the Lone Ranger. On the 1st hole, player in position 1 in the pairings will act as the Lone Ranger. On the 2nd hole, player in position 2 in the pairings will act as the Lone Ranger. On the 3rd, player in position 3. On the 4th, player in position 4. The cycle then repeats throughout the rest of the round.
When playing this format, you will count the Lone Ranger's ball as well as the best ball of the other players. So, two balls will be counted on each hole.

Tuesday - 5/28/2024

5:30 PM




Brown & Gold Cup

(Ladies play 27 holes one day, break for lunch). Teams are selected and tee times assigned.
Ryder Cup format, 9 holes alternate shot, 9 holes stroke play, and 9 holes best ball.)

Sunday - 6/2/2024

8:00 AM

Las Vegas Scramble

Scramble - Las Vegas Style - Roll the dice to determine whose drive to use AFTER everyone has teed off. Each player is assigned a number on the scorecard and that is their number for the entire round. Five and six are wild, choose any drive.

Tuesday - 6/4/2024

5:30 PM

Stableford Scoring (GHIN)

Stableford Scoring - Double bogey or worse = 1 points; Bogey = 2 point; Par = 3 points; Birdie= 4 points; Eagle = 5 points; Hole-in-one = 6 points
Net Scoring

Tuesday - 6/11/2024

5:30 PM

2-Person Best Ball (GHIN)

(Blind Draw) - Players are randomly paired together, each golfer records their score on each hole. The “best ball” or score is used for a team score after nine holes. Play in groups of four.

Tuesday - 6/18/2024

5:30 PM

Round Robin @ Cheyenne Country Club

Round Robin - take three players from Jacoby Wednesday - June 19th 8:00 AM

Nine & Dine

(4-person scramble). Open to men, women, singles and couples.

Friday - 6/21/2024

5:30 PM

Low Gross/ Low Net (GHIN)

Your gross score is the total number of strokes you took. Your net score is the total strokes subtracted by the number of handicap strokes you receive according to your Course Handicap.
Payouts for both low gross and low net. The same person is not eligible to win both.

Tuesday - 6/25/2024

5:30 PM





Red, White & Blue Scramble (Combined Club Night). Ladies game only.

(4-person scramble). Combined men/women Club Night.  All team members tee off from alternate tee boxes that is decided on by the team; three of each color must be used. *Hint: it's helpful to have a plan laid out of which tee boxes your team will hit from prior to teeing off)

Tuesday - 7/2/2024

5:30 PM

Lowest number of putts (GHIN)

Score only putts in GolfGenius (Postable score, all strokes)

Tuesday - 7/9/2024

5:30 PM

Pick Your Poison (GHIN)

Choose any six (6) holes you think you will score well on before round begins. Golfers will play all 9 holes. Only enter scores for the 6 chosen holes. Three holes will not have scores in GolfGenius. (Postable score if player keeps separate scorecard).

Tuesday - 7/16/2024

5:30 PM

Round Robin @ Jacoby Ladies Club

Ladies Club hosts Robin Robin at Jacoby. Need three golfers.


9:00 AM

Sin City (GHIN)

2-person team
Both players play regular golf, however at the end of each hole instead of combining scores you pair them up with the best score going first.
Example: If you and your partner shoot a 4 and a 7 your score is 47
Lowest total score wins.

Tuesday - 7/23/2024

5:30 PM




Blind Five (GHIN)

Blind Five

- gross and net scoring

- play all nine holes, five random holes will be choose to keep, the rest thrown out.


Thursday - 8/01/2024 5:00 pm

Night Golf (Men’s Club Event)

First half of the evening is 9 hole 4-man scramble in daylight. Last half is played after dark, same format finishing the remaining 9 holes with glow-in-the-dark balls.

Friday - 8/2/2024

5:30 PM

Lady Bug Tournament

2-Person Scramble Saturday 8/3/2024 8:00 AM

One Drive/One Putt Scramble

Net Scoring
You have to use at least once drive and one putt from every team member.

Tuesday - 8/6/2024

5:30 PM

Low Gross/ Low Net (GHIN)

Your gross score is the total number of strokes you took. Your net score is the total strokes subtracted by the number of handicap strokes you receive according to your Course Handicap.
Payouts for both low gross and low net. The same person is not eligible to win both.

Tuesday - 8/13/2024

5:30 PM

Club Championship (GHIN)

Stroke play

Saturday & Sunday 8/17/2024 & 8/18/2024

8:00 AM

3-Club (GHIN)

(Free event) Choose any three clubs to play your round.

Tuesday - 8/20/2024

5:15 PM

Low Gross/ Low Net (GHIN)

(Free Event) Your gross score is the total number of strokes you took. Your net score is the total strokes subtracted by the number of handicap strokes you receive according to your Course Handicap.

Tuesday - 8/27/2024

5:15 PM